Logoteatroterapia Comunicazione efficace
Teatro ragazzi Didattica



Cecilia Moreschi, drama therapist, author, playwright, stage actress, director and teacher, was born in 1971 in Monterotondo. She currently lives in Rome with her husband Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher, author and storyteller, with whom she has two children.
In 1995 she graduated in Literature and Entertainment Studies at "Sapienza" University of Rome. Since 1999, she conducts theatre therapy sessions in one of the most important Italian institution for children with hearing and learning impairments, and also theatre courses for young students in schools.
Her first books are “Se ci fosse stata la pace” (If there had been peace), 2006, and “La storia del Teatro va in scena” (The story of Theatre goes on stage), 2007. Both titles contain “theatre for kids” plays written by the author working with her students.
From 2005 to 2019 she organized with her husband “The Gift of Diversity”, Italy Theatre Storytelling Festival in Rome.
From 2016 to 2019 she worked with "Sapienza" University of Rome by conducting the "Dramatization" Course for students of the II Year of the Bachelor Degree in Speech Therapy.
Since 2016 she is member of Storytellers for peace, international network of storytellers.
At the end of 2018, after more than twenty years of study and fieldwork experience, she named her work as Logoteatroterapia (Logos-Drama Therapy).

In 2019 here comes the book “Teatro a scuola. Recitiamo con i classici della letteratura” (Theater at school. Let's play with the classics of literature), WriteUp Books Editore.
Since 2020 she is a professor of Performing Arts at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Speech Therapy.
In 2020 here comes the book Logoteatroterapia. Il teatro per le disabilità della comunicazione (Logo-Drama Therapy. The theater for communication disabilities), WriteUp Books Editore.

In november 2022 a new book arrives: Il metodo X. Intuitivo creativo sensoriale. Parte teorica. Con schede operative, written with Maria Lauriello and Giorgia Salemi, Fabbrica dei segni Editore.

Since 2023 she has a podcast on Drama Therapy and Theatre with kids



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